Welcome to Langi Kal Kal Angus
Langi Kal Kal Angus is located in the rolling hills of Trawalla just east of Beaufort Victoria. The stud has been established for over 40 years with the foundation of the herd predominantly being Innesdale and Millah Murrah blood. After many years of selective joinings, using quality reliable AI sires, we now comprise of 260 APR registered spring calving cows and a new line of quality HBR registered females that we look forward to the future progeny they produce. Annually we offer for sale, 80 stud bulls, PTIC annual sale heifers, replacement heifers and steers. Langi Kal Kal Angus has built a strong brand over the years and has a reputation for breeding outstanding livestock and providing a quality product and service to our clients.
Langi Kal Kal Angus is focused on continual genetic improvement, herd bio-security and breeding cattle that meet our client needs.
At Langi Kal Kal Angus, our mission is to produce leading edge genetics by breeding well balanced cattle with consistency and quality.
A herd of well-balanced animals
Excellent temperament
Fertile, good "doing ability" cattle
Deep bodied, well boned and good length
Good feet and
Tidy Udders
Positive growth for 200 and 400 days,
Moderate birth rate, for good calving ease with a focus of well-shaped shoulders
Through artificial insemination the stud introduces elite genetics into the herd annually, increasing herd quality and number of heifers able to be retained.
This leads to a reduced herd age improving maternal traits and carry growth and carcass merit.
Our bulls are exceptionally quiet, well-tempered, heavy muscled and easy to work with.
The Langi Kal Kal Angus bull sale is held around March annually.
To obtain sale information, visit our sales page and download a catalogue.